National Lab Balance Repair Center

Mettler - Toledo - Sartorius - Ohaus - Cahn - Precisa
Sauter - A&D - American Scientific - Denver Instrument

America's most experienced lab balance repair specialists

Repaired Instrument Warranty:

IES Corporation guarantees that all parts and materials used in the repair of electronic weighing instruments, as well as the workmanship required to install those materials, will be free of defect for one year from invoice date. Additionally, any functional problem which is described is guaranteed to be corrected, and the stated malfunction shall not occur for a period of one year from invoice date.

IES will not be responsible for functional problems other than those reported to us and included in our quote. Damage due to mechanical abuse, chemical or water attack, or repair efforts of any party other than IES are not covered under warranty.

Please call IES prior to shipping instruments to us. This is the opportunity to establish a clear understanding of what malfunction caused the instrument to be removed from service, and what we are expected to repair. We will fax a Return Authorization to you immediately. The RA we fax (or e-mail) to you will give you a tracking number, a description of the malfunction , and any other details you may wish to include.

Our goal is to provide quality repairs at competitive prices with excellent support. Our biggest problem is that we do not get a description of the malfunction from our customer.

For any instrument returned to us for repair under warranty, IES will reimburse shipping charges when invoiced for transportation via UPS ground or similar. IES will return such equipment to the customer via ground carrier.

IES Corporation
2324 SE 11th Ave
Portland, OR 97214
(800) 541-0852
fax (503) 235-2535